Happy Mother’s Day

IMG_7151Written by Madalyn Wallace – Country To Canberra Teen Blogger

It’s Mother’s Day today which means there’s no better time to reflect on the importance of female friendships. Throughout Australian history, mothers, daughters and friends have stood arm in arm to fight for their working rights, right to vote and right to be elected in Australian Parliament. On a less serious note, worldwide exhilaration has developed following the announcement that Netflix will be screening our favourite mother-daughter duo in a Gilmore Girls revival.  As a die-hard fan of Lorelei and Rory, I and many other fans of the show, relate to the ups and downs of a mother-daughter relationship. Sure it’s tough at times, but in the end we have to thank the women in our lives because they are responsible for making us who we are today.

How many times have you gone through a crisis without the advice or comfort from your mother, sister, grandma or friend? I can’t think of a single hardship in my life that I haven’t sought the advice of a fellow lady. The best part about having true girlfriends is that you could go months without speaking and one of you will experience something horrible and reach out to the other, who’ll gladly offer ice-cream, advice and comfort in the form of; more ice-cream. This describes my very best friend who is an extremely successful and driven young lady. She’s modest, assertive, helpful and above all the kindest soul I’ve ever met. I believe that having a female friend like this means having a life-long sisterhood.

It’s true grandma’s will always say yes when mum says no and they are the perfect person to come to when things get a bit rocky between you and your mum. I’m lucky enough to have two grandmas and two great-grandmas, who have educated me in the fine arts of baking, crocheting, tea-time mannerism and home remedies. They have each contributed dearly to every birthday, Christmas and even, every break-up. They’re always in your corner helping you through life’s troubles as they have been through it all before and gained so much wisdom worth sharing.  As sad as it is they won’t be around forever, so it is important to make the most of their company.

I’ve saved the two best female relationships for last.

Even though I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by numerous strong female leaders outside my home, the two women which I have the greatest bond with are my younger sister and of course, my mum. My younger sister and I used to clash a lot when we were young, but after we grew from little girls into women we banded together. We still argue over who has rights to mum’s hand-me-downs and who has to do the chores, but I still love her in the end. Recently she began her senior year of high school and not showing a strong academic mind in her junior years, she has proven everyone including me wrong. Her results are through the roof and now more than ever I believe she can go where ever she wants if she puts her mind to it. She’s taught me that no matter what people think or how much they judge you, you have the power to go where you want to go if you work hard. Honestly, I thought I would be teaching her this lesson but I am so incredibly proud of her efforts and she has inspired me to do the best I can do.

Last but not least, my mum has taught me more than I could ever begin to explain.  Sure, she taught me useful things like how to cook, how to clean, how to separate towels from clothes, even the smallest things that I take for granted everyday, like how to dress myself, how to brush my teeth and especially how to tie my shoelaces. Although I truly value the lessons she’s taught me, what I value even more is the lessons she never intended to teach me. How to care for someone when they’re ill like she does with her chicken soup, cool towels and that soothing touch that only a mum can give, how to make someone laugh like she does with her sarcasm and when she laughs it makes you laugh but the biggest lesson my mum has ever taught me is how to love and be loved. She loved her kids and her husband more than anyone in the world she showed us everyday by completing thankless tasks and listening to us talk about how bad our day was when she’d had the most horrible day herself and was on the brink of a hospital inducing migraine. She’d listen to every word and even though she was aching all over she’d cover it with one of her comforting smiles and offer just the right advice. She sacrificed so much for all of us and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do to keep us happy.

I’m sure I’m not the only one with an amazing mum, sister or grandmother, so this mother’s day take a moment to thank the lovely ladies in your life because they’ve taught us valuable lessons and helped shape us into the ladies of the future.