Year Twelve Jitters

Rebecca Pickering

Written by Rebecca Pickering – Country to Canberra Teen Blogger

As the summer holidays drew to a close, I was forced to think about what my senior year would entail.

Year 12 is our final year to prove ourselves both academically and as leaders.  It is our last chance to have a set routine of learning from 9-3, our last chance to see our best friends every day and our last chance to have the stability of school before we enter the real world as adults.

Whilst year twelve will be a year of so many lasts, it will also be a year of so many memories, so many highs and lows, and such a big emotional roller coaster.

We are already a few weeks into the school year and formal dresses, dates, schoolies and after formal parties have been the dominant point of discussion, but not one single mention as to what we will be doing after school. Tensions have already begun to flare amongst fellow students, but as my school principal would say, “stress is good, it shows that you care”.

But how much stress is good?

Is it a level that consumes you to the point where you can’t even think straight without your mind going fuzzy and feeling like it has gone into overdrive?

This is the reality that a majority of my fellow year 12 students will unfortunately experience at some point throughout the year, and hence the reason why we are unable to look to the future for fear of failure.

What if we don’t get a good enough OP?

What if we don’t get into uni?

What if we don’t get a good job?

What if, maybe just once this year instead of fearing failure, we tell ourselves that we can do it?

We can get an amazing OP. We can get into uni and with flying colours. We can get an amazing job that we will love.

Maybe, just maybe, we can look to the future some time in our final year, eyes bright and chins high, and imagine all of the incredible things that this world is waiting for us to go out and do.