2016 Power Trip Reflection: “An opportunity not to be missed”

IMG_0667Elise Toyer, 2016 Power Trip winner from Batemans Bay, NSW

The quote ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ is especially relevant when it comes to reflecting on the amazing experience that was the 2016 power trip. Because no matter how eloquent (or not. . .) my words are, nothing can explain better how much this trip meant to me, than the enormous grin that never left my face.

I smiled my way through a jam-packed training day of yoga, leadership talks from the defence forces, TEDx speaking training and war memorial tours. I beamed as we met a plethora of influential women over breakfast, visited Canberra’s ABC studio, had lunch with politicians, saw the raucous that is question time and relaxed with a great movie screening. I didn’t stop grinning the whole trip home.

Behind my smile I was opening my eyes to a side of Australia I’d never seen, the power house where decisions are made. This trip showed me that with dedication and passion the world truly is our oyster. Whilst I don’t think the impact of this trip has fully sunk in yet, I know that without a doubt that I would recommend it to everyone.


If my smile couldn’t tell you it was worth it, then let my words tell you this.

The Country to Canberra Power Trip is an opportunity not to be missed.
