Finalist 2024: Madeline Standerwick

Name: Madeline Standerwick

Age: 17 years

School: Inverell High School

Hometown and State: Inverell, New South Wales

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

I see female leaders every day of my life. Throughout history women would often go unrecognised, having their contributions downplayed and their efforts minimised. Yet they were still leaders. That is because you do not have to be on the cover of a newspaper to be a leader or an advocate in your community. All the women in my life are leaders in their own way. My mother runs our family like a tight ship, my grandmother chairs the local legacy, and my aunty is a teacher. The impact of these women has extended beyond their immediate achievements; they serve as role models who redefine what leadership looks like. All these women in my life have shown that leadership is all around us and they all have the opportunity to advocate for what matters most to us.

However, the leadership I cannot see is at the level we need it most. We need more women in parliamentary positions, their more diverse life experience to their peers would enable a more comprehensive and insightful approach in the creation of legislation. This would render laws that uphold the systems in Australia to better serve its people. The representation of women in leadership roles is crucial, as it challenges the status quo and broadens the scope of which the leaders of Australia can respond to the world around them. Because if the women I know in my life were given the opportunity to lead our country there would be compassion, love and freshly baked chocolate chip biscuits in Australia.

I see the hard work and effort from women in my own community and it has inspired me to be that leader for other women. So one day when a young girl is watching the news they will see me advocating for our rights, pushing the boundaries of what is deemed possible, and making substantial change in communities. I have already assumed leadership in my own way being a member of my local youth council, and a member of this year’s 2024 youth parliament, being an advocate for the voice of young rural and regional Australians. Through my leadership positions, it has solidified to me, even more, how passionate I am to make a change in Australia, and if I can improve the life of one person I will have done my job.