Finalist 2024: Kate Weekes

Name: Kate Weekes

Age: 18 years

School: Narrabri High School

Hometown and State: Narrabri, New South Wales

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

In a world where representation matters, women and non-binary leaders serve as beacons of hope, resilience, and progress. Their stories, achievements, and unwavering commitment to positive change is increasingly inspiring. As someone who believes in the power of diverse leadership, I am ecstatic when I hear women and non-binary individuals step into leadership roles. By shattering stereotypes and paving the way for others, their efforts don’t go unnoticed.

My public speaking and community assistance experience in the school leadership team has exposed me to some valuable leadership experience, however the lack of readily available resources and opportunities in my Shire means I am missing out on crucial opportunities, events and experiences that will guide me in selecting my career path. Face-to-face communication and collaboration is essential for a young person like me to find themselves and explore life outside of high school, in a safe environment for experimentation. Even doing something as seemingly insignificant as that has drawn attention from younger students and made me reflect back on what I have been exposed to. In my HSC study, I have looked at Jacinda Ardern and her era as Prime Minister. Her kindness, compassion, empathy and calmness after the Christchurch Massacre will always inspire me and leave me in a state of awe when I reflect on the gravity of her situation. Her actions are admirable and her clarity in communicating and relating to others means she will hold a special place in my heart. As the radio presenter for the school’s local program, I would love to come back from this experience to inform other students about the opportunities available outside our small town. I’m relatively well spoken and I think I could inspire some young minds myself. I would be an amazing positioned student, to advocate for the great options there are for other disadvantaged groups. 

I hold the voices of these underrepresented parties in high regard. The way that they act and address critical issues drives positive change. I think of the activists who organise rallies, the educators who challenge outdated curricula, and the entrepreneurs who create inclusive workplaces. Their courage inspires me to speak up, regardless of how daunting my own trials may be.

One of my proudest strengths is my resilience. Being in Scouts since age six was one of the best decisions my parents ever made. Scouts shaped me into a hardworking and forward thinking child, and gave me priceless qualities that continue to benefit me in other areas of life. It’s given me willpower to push through 24/7, and do what I love, which has set me up for success in school and hopefully university.

Their resilience fuels my determination. Their resilience reminds me that setbacks are stepping stones toward progress.

Women and non-binary leaders in my community inspire me daily. They remind me that leadership isn’t about fitting into a mould; it’s about breaking moulds. As I navigate my own path, they are role models and inspirations that will always leave me in awe and wonder.