Finalist 2024: Rochelle Crawford

Name: Rochelle Crawford

Age: 18 years

School: Penola High School

Hometown and State: Glenroy, South Australia

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

Every day, I find inspiration in the women around me who motivate me to strive for excellence. Among these influential figures are my teachers, employers, mentors, aunties, grandmothers, and, most importantly, my mother. She stands out as the most inspiring person in my life, shaping me into who I am today.

My mother constantly seeks new challenges, pushing herself beyond her comfort zone to show me that I am capable of doing the same. Whenever I face difficulties, I turn to her for guidance, knowing that her strength is unmatched. The obstacles she has faced throughout her life have only proven her resilience.

Sadly, my mother has been a victim of domestic violence, an experience that no one should endure. Witnessing this within my own home and affecting someone I love dearly has been profoundly traumatic. Yet, it has only deepened my love and admiration for her. The pivotal moment that transformed my perspective was seeing my mother break free from that environment. Her courage demonstrated that she, along with other women in similar situations, is among the strongest people in the world.

Her strength extends beyond her personal struggles; it is also evident in her professional life. Working in the mining industry—a field predominantly male-dominated—she has risen to a position of leadership, managing teams on-site. Her relentless work ethic and dedication have been a source of inspiration for me from a young age. She has imparted invaluable life lessons, teaching me that the world is vast and that we can only discover its potential by pushing ourselves to explore.

Last year, I had the privilege of participating in two international learning programs: an exchange in Italy and a leadership program in Tonga. My mother was the driving force behind these experiences, encouraging me to seize every opportunity to see the world. Her unwavering support through each achievement and challenge has been a constant source of motivation.

These experiences have empowered me to develop programs within my school and community, mentoring and inspiring other students and young people. I believe that such educational opportunities are accessible to anyone, regardless of academic standing or geographic location. In a school with only around 100 students like the one I attend, opportunities like these are rare, so I make the most of every chance I get to show others that they are within reach.

In essence, the lessons and inspiration I draw from my mother continue to guide and motivate me, reinforcing the belief that with determination and support, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals.