Winner 2024: Ava Haine

Name: Ava Haine

Age: 17 years

School: Moura State High School

Hometown and State: Moura, Queensland

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

“Life doesn’t come at you; it comes from you.” These words have resonated with me ever since I had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Dale, a woman whose resilience and strength have shaped my outlook on life. My path first crossed with Mrs. Dale at a ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ event when I was about 12 years old. I vividly remember her standing in front of a paddock full of strangers, sharing her story; a story that has forever altered my approach to life.

In just one year, Mrs. Dale was diagnosed with an aggressive and rare form of breast cancer. As well as this, her son had just been diagnosed with extreme autism, and she also had a 6-month-old baby. Living in a rural town without even a doctor, she travelled thousands of kilometres between chemo appointments and specialists for her and her son, all while juggling a university degree, and just as she thought life had nothing left to throw at her, her mother suddenly passed away. At this point in her speech, the crowd fell silent, and Mrs. Dale said these words… “But life doesn’t come at you; it comes from you.” She explained that her hardship only drove her ambition to change her circumstances for the better. Now she uses what she once viewed as her “disadvantage” as her greatest asset as she educates, mentors, and leads within our community. What inspires me most is not just the hardships Mrs. Dale faced, but the way she responded to them. Rather than being overwhelmed, she embraced her cancer, her son’s challenges, and her struggles as her “greatest gift.” She has always uplifted others, placing their needs before her own. It’s her unwavering passion and purpose that have fueled my own drive to make a difference. Through our encounters over the years, she instilled in me the belief that you don’t need funding, a degree, or a title to create change…change starts with passion and purpose.

Growing up in a small rural town, I used to believe that my greatest disadvantage was my environment. I thought I couldn’t make a difference, that I was incapable as a young girl from the bush, and thought that life was happening to me. However, Mrs. Dale’s words helped me realise that life wasn’t coming at me; it was coming from me. Every challenge I’ve faced has shaped me into the changemaker I am today, guiding me to be the changemaker I aspire to become. There are countless rural women around the world who haven’t yet realised their potential to be great, and I want to be part of the change that helps them see it. It’s because of the powerful women in my life, like Mrs. Dale, that I know programs like Country to Canberra will help me achieve this. I’ve already begun working towards this goal by actively participating in community initiatives and encouraging others to embrace their potential, regardless of the challenges they face.

The saying “You can’t be what you can’t see” couldn’t be said better, but for me, the saying “You can’t aspire if you lack the fire” is even more powerful. Despite facing pushback after pushback and failure after failure, Mrs. Dale’s passion and purpose have never left. My own fire is fueled by my hunger to be a changemaker and my pride for the rural community that has shaped my ambition. 

The Power Trip to Canberra would be a life changing moment in my journey, providing me with the tools, networks, and experiences I need to further my impact. I hope that one day I can share my story as a strong, passionate woman and inspire a young girl to make change, just as Mrs. Dale and so many other women in my community inspire me.