Steph Davies - Project Empower Facilitator

Steph has grown up in the surrounding region Bungendore, on the outskirts of Canberra, with a farming family background and undeniably strong equestrian passion. She grew up an avid horse girl, riding horses from age 11 and still competes today in Showjumping. She also commentates the sport, and through this involvement she has travelled to rural and remote areas all over Australia in the Agricultural Show Movement.

Steph has completed her degree in Business Innovation and is a fearless entrepreneur, in her own Property Development Sales & Marketing business and Equestrian Commentating. She was a 2016 Finalist for The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl competition – as a rural ambassador and hopes to use her dynamic nature, business knowledge and travel experiences to further develop rural areas and assist other girls with big dreams, make them come true.