Post by the excellent Lyla Schmidt from our blogger team.
Year 11 in Queensland was going to be a tough adjustment as it was, and then came Coronavirus. No one was ready for the school shutting temporarily and this took a toll on everyone. As seniors we were already under a lot of stress due to the new ATAR system, let alone adding a pandemic into the mix. But what did this mean for us? Well, as many people know, these next two years are the most vital for Year 11 students as they determine our futures.
We had one assessment taken from us and for me that was the worst thing that could happen. This is because I personally was depending on those marks to get my QCE points to make Year 12 easier. This means I among many of my peers will have to work a lot harder next year to gain the points from last term as well. Now this is only for one of my subjects, however I am already feeling a strain in that subject because of that.
Working from home also made it difficult for classes as there was only a certain time that we could contact our teachers. Due to regulations, many of our teachers couldn’t help us as it was considered a disadvantage for other students. This meant that many of us were left behind in our content for class and we had to learn the content in less time.
My advice to all Year 10 and 11 students out there is to stay on top of your workload the best you can and seek help when you need it. COVID-19 has changed our lives and will have lasting effects on everyone.
Please I urge you – if you are having flu-like symptoms, self-isolate and wear a mask in conjunction with washing your hands regularly.