Betty Ferguson - Treasurer & Board Director

As the Director and the Treasurer of Country to Canberra Betty brings considerable experience in community sector governance to our organisation.
I am a city girl with country roots and a long history of work and study in STEM areas, well-versed in issues of gendered and locational disadvantage.
I am a life member of YWCA Canberra and am currently on the YWCA Canberra Finance Committee. I was previously on that Board from 2008-14 and 2016-19, serving as Treasurer for eight of those years. I am on the Council and Board of Burgmann College Residence at ANU, being Treasurer there since 2013. I have delivered Finance education sessions for YWCA Canberra in the She Leads program, and similar sessions for ACTCOSS in their Board development program. In 2015 I received an Edna Ryan feminist award for Mentoring; for sharing knowledge and ideas generously with other women. I volunteer for Lifeline Warehouse and Bookfair in Canberra, am Treasurer of the Probus Association of Canberra & District, and do pro-bono audits for several small organisations.
Now retired, Betty was most recently a consultant in Financial and Administrative Management and Training for ten years within a total of about forty years experience in public administration, education, and training. Betty has delivered education/training services for ACTCOSS, YWCA Canberra, University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Management (now IML), CPA Australia, Pearson Group, Deakinprime, and the Australian Institute of Business. Prior to this, she was a lecturer and administrator at the University of Canberra, after working for 24 years in the Australian Public Service where she progressed to hold senior and executive management positions in Financial Services and Information Systems at the Australian Taxation Office. In earlier years she was a senior IT auditor at the Australian National Audit Office which followed several years of IT experience at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.