Bio: Bethany Castle, SA Winner 2019

Bethany is one of our 2019 Leadership Competition winners. You can check out her winning entry here and her bio below.

Bethany Castle

How old are you, what grade are you in and what community/town do you live in?
I am sixteen years old and I am in year 11. I live in Kingston SE, South Australia.

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition?
I entered this competition with no thought of winning; this was a big surprise! I wanted to explore the myriad of issues that women face today, and find ways that young activists can fight them. As a rural girl, I want to empower my community and help create positive change.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra?
In attending this trip, I hope to become empowered as a woman and as an ambassador for those who cannot find the power to speak for themselves. I want to grab onto any positive opportunity; I am always willing to learn! I believe this experience will teach me so much.

Who is your role model and why?
I’ve never actually thought about that. My past self is a role model to me. I reflect upon my growth as a person, I’ve come a long way in a few years. My past is a reminder that I can always improve, always work harder to achieve what I want.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia? 
I love the tranquillity of living in a small coastal town. It is really so peaceful living by the sea. While I do love the city, where I can shop and wander until my heart’s content, I always feel drawn back to my home. I can just escape from life.

What’s your favourite quote?
“Be the strange you wish to see in the world” – Sasha Velour.

Sasha is an incredible performer who pushes the boundaries of gender and normality. This quote is perfect in summing up their incredible talent and ideals.
What’s your main goal/ambition right now?
My goal is to get through these last years of studying; after Year 11 and 12 I hope to study political journalism at university. In the future, I want to make a positive change in the world. I am passionate towards inspiring young people to support and empower the LGBT community, as well as empowering young women and battling the gender inequalities that divide us. I want to break old stereotypes and educate people of the importance of accepting individuality.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax or have fun?
I always love spending time with my boyfriend, just kicking back, watching Netflix and eating food –best way to relax. I love playing piano or drawing, cooking, painting, anything creative. I also love listening to music and cleaning whenever I just want to really wind down while still being semi-productive.

How do people stay in touch with you? 
My Instagram is @bethanyrosecastle, but you can also find me on Facebook!

Bethany’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!