Bio: Emma Angstmann, NT Winner 2018

Emma is one of our 2018 Leadership Competition winners. You can check out her winning entry here and her bio below.

Describe yourself in 80 words or less.
My name is Emma Angstmann. I have a disobedient dog called Dennis and a fluorescent car
called Froggy. I am an adventurous young woman with a gift for the dramatic and a love for all
dad jokes. I love running boot camps with friends and members of the community to teach
boxing and encourage fitness. I always enjoy a good laugh whether watching Netflix, or
spending time with family and friends. I am a strong woman and a proud feminist.

How old are you, what grade are you in and what community/town do you live in? 
I am seventeen years old, currently in year eleven, attending Nhulunbuy High School in the town
of Nhulunbuy.

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition? 
As someone who is very passionate about feminism and gender equality and equity, Country to
Canberra provides a perfect opportunity to learn about various issues and talk to powerful and
inspiring women. This program enables young women living in remote locations to be
empowered and learn to take action.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra? 

The Power Trip provides a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills and learn more about
Australian politics. I am truly honoured to have received this prize and I hope to gain a more in-
depth knowledge about leadership and feminism in politics.

Who is your role model and why?
My greatest role model is my mother, as she is a powerful, assertive and driven woman who
believes in fighting for equity and equality. She is an excellent doctor who is currently writing a
PhD about the progression of women in medicine. She has taught me how to be strong and
independent and always encourages having a laugh.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia? 
Living in Gove is amazing. Our small community encourages close interpersonal and
intergenerational relationship between members of the community. Despite a small population
there is a diverse range of people and perspectives that create a unique and accepting
environment that caters and nurtures all individuals. The natural environment is just as diverse as
the social, with beaches of untouched beauty and wildlife seen nowhere else in Australia.

What are you passionate about? 
There are many things that I am passionate about. I am passionate about creating gender equality
and equity. I am passionate about ensuring good health for all people, mentally and physically. I
am passionate about education that inspires a love of learning.

What’s your favourite quote?
“I am not afraid of storms as I am learning how to sail may ship” – Louisa May Alcott

What’s your main goal/ambition right now?
I have many goals that I wish to achieve in the future, the most prominent at the moment is a
career in medicine. As long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a doctor and as I draw
closer to the end of my formal education I can finally begin to make this dream into a reality.
Specifically, I would love to work in obstetrics and gynaecology, helping women and babies. I
want to be a leader and a role model for future generations.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax/have fun? 
I love to relax by making myself a hot cup of tea while I sit with a good book and blanket in my
heavily airconditioned bedroom. When it’s not to boiling outside I also enjoy activities such as
birdwatching, fishing, playing squash and going for walks on the beach in attempts to
photograph sunsets, birds and crocodiles.

How do people stay in touch with you? 
Staying in touch with friends and family can be a challenge however through the use of social
media, messaging and regular calls I can stay engaged with those outside the community.

Emma’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!