Bio: Freya Cooper, TAS Winner 2019

Freya is one of our 2019 Leadership Competition winners. You can check out her winning entry here and her bio below.

Freya CooperHow old are you, what grade are you in and what community/town do you live in?
I am 16 years old and I am in year 10. I live in Mayberry, Tasmania.

Why did I enter the country to Canberra competition?
I am excited for any opportunities to learn new skills and experience. There are many issues in the world I am passionate about, and I have so many ideas, opinions and things I want to say about them, but I haven’t quite found the voice I have to make change.

What do you hope to get out of the power trip?
I hope that this trip will help me find the skills and confidence I need to make a stand and take wider action on issues that are important to me. I am looking forward to meeting other passionate and strong people, and finding inspiration in their stories.

Who is your role model and why?
I have many! David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, Martin Luther King Jr, Greta Thunberg, Ghandi, my teacher Ms Cruwys. I am inspired by these people because they have a vision of the world that is bigger than themselves, a vision to make the whole world, for all beings, a better place.

What is your favourite thing about living in rural Australia and why?
I love hearing the birds in the mornings, being so close to nature, connecting with our beautiful earth, and breathing the fresh air. We also have a beautiful sense of community, the support I have had from the people around me is something is am so grateful for.

What’s your favourite quote?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead

What’s your main goal/ambition right now?
Aside from doing my best at school, I focus on living my life with the least impact on this beautiful planet as I can. I read and learn all about sustainability, climate change and environmental issues, as well as the solutions. I am also very passionate about equality, for everyone. I keep up with the news and inform myself on these issues as best I can, and try to take actions that contribute to a better world.

A couple of things you do to relax or have fun?
I love a bit of reading (usually non-fiction, something about science!), keeping on top of the news, cooking, running and team sport, yoga. Going outside and spending time observing the world around me. I also love to draw and paint, as I have a bit of a creative side!

Freya’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!Agrifutures