Bio: Kyla Ramos, WA Winner 2019

Kyla is one of our 2019 Leadership Competition winners. You can check out her winning entry here and her bio below.

Kyla RamosHow old are you, what grade are you in and what community/town do you live in?
I am sixteen years old and I am in year 10. I live in Harvey, Western Australia.

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition?
My English teacher told me about the competition at school, and she thought I could relate to the topic because I enjoy exploring new concepts in my life. A ton of gender equality topics came to my mind when I saw the essay question, and I really wanted to express it, so I began to represent my thoughts through my creative side, which is a presentation. A software built on a computer. I entered this competition to talk openly about my ideas and opinions, and I felt that what Country to Canberra proposed was great, and I really wanted to be a part of it.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra?
What I hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra is, to create awesome relationships among the other candidates who won the competition and share amazing memories and experiences along the journey. Another thing I hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra is to meet inspiring special guest speakers and meetings with tremendous activists, media personalities and more. I hope this will teach me the skills and life lessons that will influence my future life choices and make me a better person.

Who is your role model and why?
I have a lot of role models, but one of them would be my parents because they’ve worked hard, and they’re just the most important people in my life. They stood by me, and they got me where I am today. For me, my parents are the ultimate role models. Each word, motion, and behaviour have an impact. No other person or outside force has more impact on me than my family.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia?
It’s been almost seven years, not living in my beloved hometown. The Philippines, Australia has been a great experience for me. The people, society, and their general way of life. I’ve visited a few countries around the world, and nothing compares Australia. It’s not just one thing, but many that make this country great. It’s the smallest thing you put together. This multi-multiculturalism. It’s about the animals and the environment. It’s the camaraderie that we all share. It’s the spirit of Anzac and Anzac Biscuits. Cricket and footy on Saturday morning. It’s the beers around the Barbe on the Sunday arvo. It’s a wonderful sky and a dream time. The gumtrees. Its stingers, sharks, crocs, turtles and whales. It’s the Reef and the Bush. It’s Australia.

What’s your favourite quote?
My favourite quote would be “Done is better than perfect” parroted by Sheryl Sandberg.

What’s your main goal or ambition (right now, or in the future)?
I am a simple girl who has a lot of dreams to fulfil. My main goal right now would be to open my parents’ own restaurant in the Philippines, and complete all of my chosen courses and get my next year’s certificates that will eventually give me a stable job to take care of myself and my family after I graduate from high school After a year off, I can apply for Uni and hopefully get into my dream degree in Fine Arts. And if I had earned enough money, I’d probably travel to different countries and try to cover the entire planet if I could. Fly on a glider, snorkel in Hawaii, dive, and learn to ski.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax or have fun?
I’ve got a lot of things I like to do to relax and have fun. A few of them would be drawing and listening to music. Drawing helps me to express my emotions, ideas, and beliefs through a canvas. It helps me to develop my imagination, memory, communication skills, and remove all pressure from my body. Same goes to music it favours the overall well-being, it helps me to regulate emotions and to create joy and satisfaction in my everyday life.                                             

How do people stay in touch with you? 
Facebook: Kyla Clarisse Ramos Instagram: @clarrissekyla

Kyla’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!Agrifutures