Bio: Madeline McShane, SA Winner 2018

Madeline is one of our 2018 Leadership Competition winners. You can check out her winning entry here and her bio below.

Describe yourself in 80 words or less.
My name is Maddie McShane, and I am from South Australia. I would describe myself as ardent, lively and determined. I really, truly love life, and hope that I do everything within my power to enable others to love theirs. Such a broad task can only be achieved in increments of working to lessen the hardships contributing to societal injustices. Above all, I attempt to maintain a positive outlook on life in its totality, despite its convoluted nature.

How old are you, what grade are you in and what community/town do you live in? 
I am currently 17 years old and studying year 12 in the small city of Port Lincoln.

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition?
I was amazed by the opportunity this competition provides to help girls develop leadership skills, network with others and learn about our world. I thought that I could not pass by such an opportunity without giving my best shot to be involved.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip to Canberra?
As I near the end of my schooling, I am faced with the challenge of determining where the next chapter in my life will take me. I hope that the power trip will aid my navigation in this journey and help me develop a determined mindset before I enter university.

Who is your role model and why?
The world is a huge cacophony of incredible people, of which I cannot say there is one I particularly idolise. While role models are likely motivational for some, I find that comparison can be the thief of individuality. I prefer instead to draw inspiration from a rage of different perspectives in attempt to develop a well-rounded approach to life.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia? 
I am so grateful to have been brought up in a rural setting. Many from the city deem the country lifestyle “slow,” but in my opinion, the pace is ideal for appreciating the ups and downs of life. Things are peaceful and purposeful, not hindered by a busy rush. Living in a rural setting has also allowed me to have my own space and develop a strong connection with my natural environment.

What are you passionate about? 

I feel very passionately on an array of topics, and consistently attempt to recognise the way different issues are interconnected and valuable. Primarily, I am passionate about the natural world, and the ways in which it has been influenced by humanity. I believe that the most pressing issue for the human race at the moment is how we will change in efforts to coexist sustainably with the environment.

What’s your favourite quote?
“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” -William James

What’s your main goal/ambition right now?
Right now, my primary focus is on putting in effort to ensure I complete my year 12 exams to the best of my ability. After school, I hope to move to university and study a dual degree of science and law. Aside from these academic goals, I have many personal goals for myself which include enhancing my community involvement, developing my writing skills, becoming economically independent and travelling.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax/have fun?
I love being outdoors and amongst nature. On the weekends I enjoy going to the beach, camping, bushwalking, or just going for a drive by the coast. Spending time with friends and family is also a great way to unwind.

How do people stay in touch with you? 
People can follow my Instagram: @maddiemcshane.