C2C On Screen 2020 Reflection – Charlotte White

Charlotte White 2020 Winner

Post by Charlotte White, one of our 2020 Leadership Competition winners. Read Charlotte’s entry here!

Even if I tried, I physically could not recommend the Country to Canberra experience more, and mine isn’t even over yet.
The friendliness of the other girls, the eloquence and knowledge of the guest speakers, the understanding and supportiveness of every volunteer and employee, but most of all, the excitement of the founder and CEO made me love this program (amongst so many other things).
I think the fact that you can see in their faces, and hear in their voices the unadulterated joy. That this is their vision coming to life, that they were once what and who we are now, that really made it for me.

When I began excitedly telling friends and family that I would be taking part in the Country to Canberra program, I was told more than once that I was “the perfect person for Country to Canberra”, that I was “just the person” for it.
While flattered and frankly overjoyed, after taking part in C2C On Screen, I know now that everyone is the ‘perfect person’ for C2C.

There is nothing to lose in submitting an application. An application which, may I say, I was reluctant to submit myself. Not because I didn’t want to take part in the C2C program, but because I didn’t think I was good enough. And yet, here I am.
A proud Country to Canberra 2020 participant, and one of two Victorian winners.
A person with new opportunities, new networks and new friends.
A person with a new perspective, and new goals for my future.
And all the while, all you have to be is a young, rural woman or non-binary person.
Seems more achievable now, doesn’t it?