Q&a with Elizabeth Brennan - Champion

What’s your preferred job title?
Managing Director, agdots
How do you spend your days, and where do you live?
As a confessed multipotentialite (look it up!) I get energy from the diversity of projects I’m involved with – from ag research in PNG to regional development to regenerative food systems to history-related projects. That means I travel a fair bit from regional WA to Perth and (pre-coronavirus) to PNG.
Why did you want to become a Country to Canberra Champion?
I want young women, no matter their postcode, to recognise that they have the capacity and power to create change. I grew up in a town of 800 people and never imagined I’d be able to create the impact I have. C2C catalyses potential in young women and enables them to see the bright future there is for rural, regional and remote Australia.
What’s one of your favourite personal achievements?
Being called an honourary man! I’d been living in Papua New Guinea for two years and had been on the organising committee for a national cultural festival. One of the elders was so impressed by my work he bestowed me the title. It was a very humbling gesture.
What makes you passionate about supporting young regional women?
Just because you’ve got a particular set of chromosomes and a particular postcode doesn’t mean that there should be any less opportunities. This is not currently the case and I want to be part of a future where young regional women are equal – and impassioned!