Dear Graduates of 2018

Post by Rebecca Pickering, an excellent member of our blog team.

Dear Graduates of 2018,

Okay, so you have successfully finished 12 years of schooling, are in the midst of receiving OP and ATAR results and for some of you, uni offers will be flowing into your email inbox in the coming weeks. Sounds great, right? Well for some of you, this is what you have been craving your whole life, that sense of freedom and independence and this is the year you will finally be granted that wish. But, for others, like myself one year ago, this year was set to be the most challenging and daunting task to face me in my eighteen years of life on this planet. For me, school was the most incredible place on earth filled with supporting teachers, loving friends and amazing opportunities, and letting go of such a wonderful time of my life was a huge obstacle stopping me from moving into the ‘university mindset’. But with this sense of forced maturity expected over the coming year, you will be granted access to so many opportunities and will meet so many people, and whilst daunting, this should be a time for excitement too.

So, here is my advice to you:

Do not let a number define who you are. Who cares what OP or ATAR you got? As long as you got into the course that YOU chose or got the job YOU wanted, forget about that number! Only you know the immense effort and discipline you put into your school work, and there is no way a single number can define that!

Take absolutely every opportunity that comes even slightly close to you and grasp it with two hands, because you never know where it will take you! For me, this was attending an industry conference I knew nothing about. By the end of it, I was offered an array of jobs and internships. Opportunities are always at your doorstep and unlocking them is the key to growing yourself and reaching your dreams.

Reach out for help when you need it. In my experience, first semester of university was the biggest shock to me and I struggled to cope with the increased workload, trying to support myself through university and the enormous amount of travelling I had to do to attend classes at two campuses whilst still living at home. Support from friends, family and uni staff was the core reason I didn’t drop out, which was a strong contemplation, and why I chose to continue studying. Support is always there in some form so be sure to ask for it!

Most importantly, enjoy this year and let yourself grow. There is one thing for sure and that is that as much as you may wish, you won’t ever be allowed to go back to school. From now on, enjoy every moment and the new people you will meet this coming year, and be the best version of yourself possible.

The world is your oyster!

Image source.