Ella SMith - Winner 2023

Year 12 | 17 Years | Clare High School | Clare, South Australia

Why did you enter Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition?

After being introduced to this opportunity at school, I knew I had to jump onboard. Applying for Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition was the perfect opportunity to fulfil my passion for meeting and working with likeminded people, and empowering others to have a voice.

What do you hope to get out of the Power Trip?

From this incredible opportunity, I hope to meet a range of likeminded people from across Australia, and understand their perspectives and experiences in rural communities, to better understand the challenges within my own community and across rural Australia, and to equip myself with the resources and skills to assist me in making a change.

Who is your role model and why?

There is no specific person I look up to. With each person I meet, I find a new quality I admire about them, and do my best to carry it with me. I look up to several of my friends, family members, teachers and other influential people in my life who have shaped me to be the person I am.

What’s your favourite thing about living in rural Australia?

I find myself very grateful to live in a tight knit community. In a rural community, everyone knows each other, and we are able to build stronger connections through local sporting clubs and other community events. Living in a rural community brings with it the freedom of land and environment, and a more relaxed pace of life.

What’s your main goal or ambition (right now, or in the future)?

My biggest goal currently is to complete my year 12 studies. Other than this, I am striving to achieve success in whichever path I take after school. I am not sure where I’m headed yet, however I hope to travel to all four corners of the globe and meet many new people along the way, and keep being the best version of myself that I can be.

Tell us a couple of things you do to relax or have fun?

To relax, I like to read, write, listen to music, practice photography and enjoy nature. For fun I like to get outside and play sports, socialise with friends and family, seek new challenges, meet new people and volunteer, and learn about the world around me.

Where can we find you on social media?

Instagram: ellasmith_34 Facebook: Ella Smith