Finalist 2020: Zali Sparrow

Name: Zali Sparrow

Grade: Year 11

Age: 17 Years

School: Albany Senior High School

Hometown and State: Albany, Western Australia

LIFTING US UP – How can women and girls empower each other and their communities in times of uncertainty and change?

Women have been programmed from birth to compare, compete or pit against each other, As a result, we have more difficulty when it comes to empowering each other in times of uncertainty and change. However, in recent years with the new generation, ‘generation z’ girls and women have been standing together and fighting not only for equality for all and also for the casual sexism or hate on each other to end. Even I admit that I sometimes struggle with not hating on other girls at times. For me, if it’s their personality is a different narrative, or if I just don’t like a certain girl, I will still help empower them when in need because just a simple bit of encouragement or positivity can go a long way. Women and girls need to empower each other, and their communities, in times of uncertainty and change by always listening to one another rather than just trying to fix the problems according to your ideas of happiness and satisfaction, and by working together the find the best solution. Women are natural networkers with each other.

The question of how can women and girls empower each other and their communities in times of uncertainty and change is a rather fluid subject depending on the people, and the communities themselves. By this I mean if girls are stuck in a community full of hate and conservative nature then it would be more challenging to empower their community because these are the demographic who are unwilling to change or to modify their behaviour. When one is in a positive and inspiring community, it becomes much easier to empower others. It is challenging to be asking such a question without taking into consideration the socio-economic characteristics and demographics of the communities. There are different communities everywhere, empowerment as such can be a broad concept and a difficult one to achieve. I think the best way that women and girls empower each other and their communities in times of change and uncertainty is by taking time to listen, be positive and supportive, and to be nice as subsequently we can never know for sure what is happening in somebody’s life.

When we are in times of uncertainty and change, it is always best to go with the flow of change, and maybe transform with this new change and uncertainty as it can make us become better people and a better society as a whole. When we become better and more tolerant people, the world becomes just a bit of better place. To become more tolerant, we have to listen actively, observe more, be compassionate and be open to what is really happening around us. Even though some may struggle with this concept, we can overcome this type of challenge by putting aside archaic philosophies and preconceived ideas we are taught from our upbringings.
Uncertainty brings out the best and worst in people. Women have the opportunity to manoeuvre change through strong leadership, this helps us brings intimacy within the community. Once strong leadership has come into place, it makes it much easier for all other components to fall into place through linking well with each other. Sometimes to make each other and the communities feel empowered in times of uncertainty and change.

Overall, women and girls can empower their communities by acknowledging and put aside our preconceived ideas, listening to one another, being compassionate and most importantly model effective strong leadership.