Finalist 2024: Atalia Knight

Name: Atalia Knight

Age: 15 years

School: Isis District State High School

Hometown and State: North Isis, Queensland

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

“You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?” 

Over the course of my life, I have faced many challenges, just as everyone does. When I was nine I faced something that would change my life forever. I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I thought it was the end of the world. I would never walk, go to school, get out of my bed ever again. Yet here I am, walking and at school. It took a long time (and a lot of appointments) to get to where I am today. When I was suffering the most, I had a lot of time to think, think about everything. I remember thinking about my aunt. My aunt also faced many medical challenges during her childhood years. I could somewhat relate to her, even though we were at very different stages of life. She is now a pharmacist managing the pharmacy by herself in a very rural town in Queensland. She had achieved her dream even after everything she went through. Over the course of my life, I have heard from so many inspiring women and how they achieved their dream. Every single one had a different life path and story to tell. They assure me that your dream is never out of reach if you want it bad enough. My dream is to become a Paediatric Pain Management Specialist. I always thought I wasn’t smart enough, or I was too sick to reach it, but after seeing all these women achieving such amazing feats, I have become truly inspired that I can achieve my dream to help children with chronic pain, like me. I have also learnt financial status doesn’t define you. Women all across the globe are now achieving their dreams with help from each other, even if it’s just hearing stories that inspire them to be the best version of themselves. Each and every word they have spoken to me has inspired me to make change. From within the most complex parts within my own body and to those facing the sting of the sword from chronic pain. I want to make change within myself, so I can also make change within the young children suffering from chronic pain every single day, just as I did. Just as I am.  Women medical professionals are showing me firsthand that my dream is never out of reach. Even women within my community that aren’t in a medical career inspire me to help change the lives of those who are dealing with chronic pain. Women and non-binary people truly inspire us by just being.

Shoutout to Ange and Women in the QUIPPS team – for being what I can see.