Finalist 2024: Kyandra Jagielka

Name: Kyandra Jagielka

Age: 17 years

School: Sale College

Hometown and State: Stradbroke, Victoria

You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?

Female leaders in my community are scarce, that is why I aspire to be that person. Growing up I did not have many female role models, because many of the politicians, school leadership staff, and business owners in my community and Australia wide are men. I grew up in the foster care system for the first 8 years of my life, so I didn’t have a strong “female figure” to guide me in those formative years.

The strongest female role model I’ve had in my life was my stepmother. After moving to my dad’s house in year 7 (2019) he got married to my stepmother. She was influential due to the way she helped those in need, with a range of struggles, making sure they had a home, food, and a stable income, knowing that she never gave up until she achieved this. As she would always say, she would “fight tooth and nail” for what she believed, that is who I strive to be. Sadly, she passed 3 years later in 2022. Her wisdom and guidance influenced many of the decisions I have made and the person I have become, and the person I will keep striving to be.

In August 2022 I applied to be a part of 409 Squadron, City of Sale in the Australian Air Force Cadet Program, where I got accepted and began as a cadet in January 2023. Being in cadets has helped me become a leader through a series of tasks and reflections in order to better understand learning strategies to improve my self-management, emotional resilience, and goal development. Being a part of the AAFC has allowed me to see different leaders and the way they lead, such as Pilot Officer Alison Murphy, who has constantly installed in our class the qualities, attributes + behaviours necessary to be a good leader. She has also allowed us to explore the importance of trust; in building an effective team, as well as the different leadership styles, the strengths and limitations of each.

I have experienced many challenging situations through my short life. Many where I haven’t been able to gain any sort of guidance or support. I have been put through a range of obstacles from foster care, couch surfing, parental neglect due drug abuse, death of a parent, mental and verbal abuse, moving out of family care to support myself at 16, to the death of a friend from suicide. I strive to have a positive outlook through these situations, influence others positively and be the role model they need to achieve remarkable things. I want to help others avoid the struggles I have experienced and create a better future for other children in my community.

Through these challenges I have faced in my life, I have become more motivated to develop as a female leader in society to help influence others to make change. As I continue to develop these skills, not only through my position of college vice-captain, but throughout my life I wish to be a leader not only for myself and for others who have had similar situations, but for others to see that they can be a leader for themselves, and they can strive to be a leader for others.