Laura is a highly experienced professional who has a strong business background across a range of sectors in Australia; including education, not for profit and financial services. She has completed a Masters of Business Management (MBM) at Swinburne University of Technology and a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) (BCom) at Curtin University of Technology. Laura is currently completing a Master of Laws in Enterprise Governance at Bond University.
Laura is a member (MAICD) of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, an Associate Fellow Member (AFAIM) at the Australian Institute of Management WA and an Associated Member (AMICDA) of the Institute of Community Directors Australia. Laura is the Coordinator, Community Builder at the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation and sits on numerous not for profit boards and committees across the country and internationally.
Laura is based in Narembeen WA, on her fiances’ mixed farming enterprise. Laura loves being involved in rural, remote and regional Australia and prides herself on being able to sit on the board for Country to Canberra.