Post by the amazing Sienna Putland, one of our 2019 Leadership Competition winners.
Hands down one of the best experiences of my life! Before coming to ‘Country to Canberra’ I was a super introvert, hated meeting new people and was terrified of public speaking and talking to new people. I was super nervous before the trip and really didn’t want to go through with it. But I did and I don’t regret it at all!
I’m so glad I came on the trip; all the girls and volunteers were so encouraging, passionate and kindhearted. Everyone was supportive and all my nerves I had about the trip were settled instantly. On this ‘Country to Canberra’ trip I was able to get out of my comfort zone and make friends, talk to people I would never dream of (like powerful women in our country and politicians) and even speak in front of a group of people I barely knew! I learned so much from the workshops about public speaking, leadership, resilience, etc. and from the inspirational people who surrounded me.
This trip was so much fun and I was surrounded by such beautiful people and I highly recommend it to other young women across rural Australia. I guarantee it will change your life like it did mine.