Winner 2018: Chloe Quillerat

Name: Chloe Quillerat

Community/State: Redpa, Tasmania

School: Smithton High school

Age/Grade: 17 Years, Year 11

Bio: Click here

Chloe’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!

“Life is a roadtrip with twists and turns. How can we support one another to navigate the road to gender equality?”

Gender equality is the most important factor especially to us young and older women. For example most jobs such as mechanics, butchers, builders and other male dominated occupations prefer a young male of any age. If a women was interested in the position they’ll most likely take one look at you and send you back out the door …WHY!?….Because you’re a girl and they think girls shouldn’t be working in that industry. Another example is I recently applied for a job at a hardware store. They told me no because they are looking for a male to fill the role. Why the gender of the applicant was so important I don’t know, they didn’t explain to me. I guess it’s because you don’t normally see women in those types of jobs, because most women don’t bother trying as we always get told NO! This made me feel like I’m not good enough for any jobs like that even though I am really interested. Just because I’m a girl does not mean I am not capable of doing this kind of work.

A couple of months ago I was offered a job on a dairy farm and I took it but after a couple of months of working I asked if I could try do some tractor work or something along those lines but he said no that’s a boys job I said “Oh okay “is there anything else I can try and he said no not what you’ll be able to handle anyway.
I could understand but I still think if a women is keen to give it ago, let her and see how she goes before you turn her away. So the jobs that the women mostly got told to do was milk and feed calves and stuff like that (easy stuff).

Another example is being a wife or a mum, you are expected to stay home and look after the kids or even if the kids are all grown up and moved out you are still expected to stay home and look after your husband and can’t do anything for yourself without your husband saying why are you doing that your job is to stay home and look after the house. This is one of the reasons why lots of long marriages break up because the husband’s don’t understand or let their wives or partners to do anything.

These are a few reasons why all us women should get together and help each other get the word out on why we should all be treated equally.