Winner 2018: Taylor-Jade Glover

Name: Taylor-Jade Glover

Community/State: Cummins, South Australia

School: Cummins Area School

Age/Grade: 18 Years, Year 12

Bio: Click here

Taylor-Jade’s Power Trip is kindly being sponsored by AgriFutures Australia!

“Life is a roadtrip with twists and turns. How can we support one another to navigate the road to gender equality?”

Gender equality is based on the concept that men and women are free to develop abilities and pursue choices without the limitations founded from any stereotypical views. We can support one another to navigate the road to gender equality by education and the empowerment of women. Why women? From the women’s suffrage in 1920 where women fought to gain voting rights, to Malala Yousafzai getting shot in 2012 for advocating female education, to today where the national gender “pay gap” in Australia is 15.3%. These are just three examples of gender inequality primarily affecting females worldwide.

We cannot claim that there is gender equality. However, we can make change. To start, society needs to be educated and made aware of the issues that affect gender equality and the negative impact it has in the world. Schools could help with this change and make a difference by inviting women who hold high positions in the workplace, have political power or simply have the ability to empower others to talk and inspire the young generation of women who will soon be the future of this world. This will help the girls visually see that they can do anything. Their generation can use their awareness and understanding to take a big step and make a difference in gender equality.

This difference will allow men and women to feel empowered together. Gender will no longer impact society the way it has in history and currently does today. People will value people for who they are as a person regardless of their gender. This issue needs the support from men and women all over the world. We are all human and from young children to mature adults everyone, male and female, deserves to feel like they can pursue their dreams without judgement or stereotypical views that could be holding them back.

Maya Angelou, a civil rights activist once said, “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” Once a person learns about the issues associated with gender equality they can educate others and make them aware of the issue and ways to help improve it. When a woman finally feels as if they are empowered, they can empower others. A ripple effect we can use to support one another to navigate the road to gender equality.