To win the Power Trip prize, entrants must be:

1. Female/female identifying/non-binary students who are attending school in grades 10, 11 or 12 in 2024;

2. Be 15 years of age by 16 November 2024;

3. Attend a school or TAFE that fits with the below criteria.

For students in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia, entrants must:

a) Attend a school categorised by MySchool (www.myschool.edu.au) as Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote; OR

b) Not attend any school categorised as being within a Major City.

For students in Tasmania and the Northern Territory, entrants must:

a) Attend a school categorised by MySchool (www.myschool.edu.au) as Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote; and

b) Not attend a school located in the state or territory capital city. Schools in the following postcodes are determined to be part of the capital city and surrounding suburbs, and are ineligible. 

Darwin – 0800, 0801, 0804, 0810, 0811, 0812, 0813, 0814, 0815, 0820, 0821, 0822, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832

Hobart – 7000, 7001, 7004, 7005, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010, 7011, 7015, 7016, 7017, 7018, 7019, 7021, 7030, 7050, 7052, 7053, 7055, 7170

c) Entrants attending boarding school in Darwin and Hobart are eligible if they are from a regional or remote town. For example, a student in Tasmania could attend boarding school in Hobart, and still enter the competition if they came from Wynyard. Country to Canberra reserves the right to determine eligibility.

For students from Australian external territories, the Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Norfolk Island, the Jervis Bay Territory, the Ashmore and Cartier Islands, and the Coral Sea Islands, are eligible to apply.
Entrants from these territories will be considered together with entrants from the following states for marking and eligibility purposes:

a) Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Ashmore and Cartier Islands – Western Australia, and

b) Norfolk Island – New South Wales.

c) Coral Sea Islands – Queansland

For students attending TAFE, entrants must:

a) be enrolled in a TAFE program listed on the relevant state or territory TAFE locations website, and

b) the TAFE suburb must be categorised by MySchool (www.myschool.edu.au) as Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote

Australian Capital Territory students are ineligible to apply.


How to Submit an Entry?

4. Entries must be submitted via the Country to Canberra Leadership Competition Entry Portal by 11.59 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on 16 August 2024. All entries should follow the instructions outlined on the Portal. The competition will be open for entries from 22 July 2024. Country to Canberra reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is received after the aforementioned time/date.


5. Entries must be in one of the following formats:

  1. Written – 450-600 word response – for example essay, story, poem, blog post, listicle or article. 

  2. Video – 3-4 minute video. Video must include the participant or their voice narration. Video must be submitted via a private or public YouTube account and the link is provided as part of the submission. Landscape (horizontal) view is preferred.

  3. Art – an art piece accompanied by a 300-450 word response justifying the piece in the context of the competition question. The artwork must be scanned or photographed and attached as a jpeg or pdf file as part of the submission.

  1. Country to Canberra reserves the right to use its discretion if an entry exceeds format limit and parameters.

6. Entries must be in English, written or spoken. 

7. Reasonable adjustments and special consideration are available for students with unique individual circumstances including, but not limited to:

  1. Language barrier – entrant is from an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) background. Please declare this in your submission.

  2. Format barrier – entrant has a disability that requires additional adjustments. Please contact the team if you require any assistance or guidance.

  3. Disadvantage barrier –  additional consideration will be given to entrants from schools under the UAC Educational Access Schemes Disadvantage code S01C. 

8. References are recommended, but not required. If included, references are not included in the word limit. 

  1. Country to Canberra reserves the right to check the originality of responses and use its discretion if an entry demonstrates any form of plagiarism 

Additional Terms & Conditions

8. The Country to Canberra Leadership Competition runs between 22 July 2024 and 16 August 2024.

9. Only one entry per person is allowed.

10. Previous Country to Canberra competition winners (those that visited Canberra on the ‘Power Trip’ or participated in ‘C2C On Screen’ in 2020 and/or 2021) are not eligible for the 2024 prize. Previous finalists (Top 40) can enter.

11. Parents/Legal Guardians of competition winners must be willing to sign a Talent Release Form. Parents/Legal Guardians of the competition winners must also be willing to sign a legal consent form, and a medical form. This form allows the winners to travel to Canberra between 16 November 2024 and 20 November 2024. If not, the Power Trip prize will be revoked.

12. Winners must be available to travel to Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, unaccompanied, between 16 November 2024 and 20 November 2024 and attend all Power Trip events. 

a) Country to Canberra is cognisant of the fact that final exams may impede on the ability for some students to be able to travel on these dates. Unfortunately, Country to Canberra is unable to change the Power Trip dates and therefore, students must be available on the specified dates.

b) If a winner is unable to attend after being selected, the prize will be provided to a runner-up. Efforts will be made to provide the affected individual with mentoring and other opportunities as deemed appropriate by Country to Canberra.

13. Winners will be required to participate in media events in the period leading up to, during and after the Power Trip. If winners do not wish to participate in these events, then they will be unable to receive the prize. Country to Canberra will still publish their entries on the Country to Canberra website. Some exceptions may apply, at the discretion of Country to Canberra.

14. Winners must behave both before and during the ‘Power Trip’ in a manner that aligns with the values of Country to Canberra. If a winner is deemed to be acting in a manner contrary to these values, Country to Canberra reserves the right to revoke the prize or return the winner to their home state at the winner’s own cost. This includes behaviour online and on social media.

15. Country to Canberra reserves the right, at the discretion of the management team to disqualify any entry or entrant that:

  1. does not meet submission requirements (see 5. 6. 8a), 

  2. does not provide a Talent Release or Consent Form, 

  3. displays behaviours and conduct that is contrary to the values of Country to Canberra, or 

  4. other reasonable decision in line with competition rules, Country to Canberra values, or constitution.

16. Country to Canberra reserves the right to postpone, cancel, or otherwise alter the ‘Power Trip’ for one or all competition winners based on unforeseen circumstances and/or circumstances beyond the control of the organisation. This includes major travel limitations, natural disasters, government declarations, or for any other reason decided by the Country to Canberra management team, in line with our rules, values and constitution.


17. The winning entries will be published on Country to Canberra’s website. They may also be used on Country to Canberra’s social media channels, as appropriate.

18. By entering the competition, you are agreeing for Country to Canberra to publish your entry and are providing Country to Canberra with consent to re-publish your work.

19. Entrants agree that if they are chosen to be in the Top 40 Country to Canberra will be the sole proprietor of all intellectual property associated with the entry (and hence, the entries can be re-published on different platforms, including by our sponsors).

20. Country to Canberra reserves the right to modify the format and content of entries for publication purposes.

Selection Process

21. Entries will be shortlisted by a Country to Canberra representative, and winners will then be selected by a marking panel. Marking will be undertaken in accordance with the prescribed selection criteria which is available here. All entries must address the 2024 competition question.

22. Additional consideration will be given to entries from schools under the UAC Educational Access Schemes Disadvantage code S01C. 

The Prize

22. Multiple regional, rural and remote young women will win our Leadership Competition and win an all-expenses paid ‘Power Trip’ to Canberra. Winners will be transported to Canberra on (or as close to) 16 November 2024 as possible, and stay until 20 November 2024

  1. Country to Canberra reserves the right to determine the type of transport appropriate as the prize (i.e. flights or bus).

  2. Country to Canberra reserves the right to adjust the nature of the prize if reasonable transport arrangements are not available. Efforts will be made to provide the affected individual with mentoring and other opportunities as deemed appropriate by Country to Canberra.

23. Please see our Prize Page for more details on the prize.


24. Country to Canberra supports and encourages students from all backgrounds to apply and enter our programs. If a student requires additional assistance, please contact Country to Canberra. Country to Canberra can make reasonable adjustments and accommodations for students who may require assistance/has additional requirements during the Power Trip.

25. Country to Canberra welcomes submissions from young women and non-binary entrants that fit all other eligibility criteria. 

Declaration for Submission

26. In submitting an entry to the 2024 Country to Canberra Leadership Competition, you declare that the entry provided is your own work and has not been published previously by another website or entered into another competition. You have read all of the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.