Written by the beautiful Rebecca Pickering from our blog team.
As women, we hear one word in particular mentioned an awful lot. To some, this word prompts thoughts of loved ones, friends and family alike. Some think of themselves, and others think of the scenery that surrounds us, in art and in nature, in their passion or in their life. Beautiful.
One single word, and yet so many thoughts stem from the roots of this adjective. Sad, however, are the negative connotations that so many women face at the mention of this word: the painstaking, heart-throbbing feeling that this word doesn’t relate to them.
No assistance whatsoever to the cause is what we see painted on the virtual walls of social media. The photos that have gone through hundreds of filters to get that ‘right lighting’, the editing to change body size, to correct imperfections, to crop it and fix it just so it’s how you want it to be perceived, as beautiful.
But isn’t this extracting every molecule of beauty from it? Isn’t it most beautiful in its raw format, flawed with imperfections taken at the wrong angle with the off-the-mark lighting, where you are YOU?
But beauty extends much further than looks and isn’t measured by Instagram likes. Beauty encompasses everything we are as a person; our personality, how we love, our views on the world. To me, the real definition of beautiful comes from when a person is being their true, real self, when they are surrounded by people they love, doing what they love, in a place they love.
“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty”
The truth is every woman in one way, shape or form is BEAUTIFUL. Whilst at times it may seem impossible to realise, we must reassure each other that being beautiful offline in your perfect flawed self is in itself beautiful. We must build each other up instead of tearing each other down, and together change the view on beauty and the way we think it’s seen.
We are all beautiful, and we all must realise this.
Image source.