Written by the incredible Emma Angstmann, one of our 2018 Leadership Competition winners, sponsored by AgriFutures Australia.
It all started with an idea, a dream, a passion; a hope to touch the lives who needed it most, to empower and inspire.
When Project Empower made their 32,000 kilometre journey, they managed to reach a tiny rural town called Nhulunbuy. I remember listening to the words that Hannah implored us to hear, the open-mouthed wonder in the faces of the girls who listened and the full hearts that left that room knowing they could roar.
I remember when Hannah told us about Country to Canberra, immediately I knew that this was something I had to be a part of.
When I got the call, I was ecstatic. The days blurred together and before I knew it I was in Canberra, walking down the steps at the airport with my friend Isabel (another fabulous winner!). We arrived later than everyone else but we were met wholeheartedly, even though it was late we were given an amazing welcome and tonnes of smiles – all of us bonded immediately. It truly is amazing to walk into a room of likeminded individuals, to have every word you speak be heard, to swap stories and share ideas with a near stranger, to listen to the journeys of those around you.
What an adventure.
All the days brought with them something new and valuable. It was so eye opening. We were taught how to speak, to network, the journey of an entrepreneur (from AgriFutures Australia); all of it to empower us, it was an honour. All of the prep led up to the final day – the power day. This was my highlight. We had a ‘powerful woman’s breakfast’ that introduced us to some of the most influential women in Canberra who kindly shared with us their stories. We went to Parliament House and met with politicians and listened to Question Time. We attended a Department of Agriculture & Water Resources dinner event and by the end of it we were exhausted, but never have I felt so awesome.
I learnt so much during that trip and have been able to take so much back with me. I am constantly using the skills I developed on the trip in my everyday life. I am so much more open to saying yes to opportunities that present themselves, I am able to speak a lot more confidently and I have been spreading Country to Canberra’s message whenever and wherever I can. I am confident in my leadership and when I make mistakes I endeavour to learn from them.